Friday, August 10, 2018

Hi, my name is Stefan, I care for aquariums about 25 years by now. This is a blog about aquatic biotopes and biotope aquariums. I wanted to create this blog, because I find there is still little information available about biotope aquariums. If you have interesting information about aquatic biotopes or have a nice biotope aquarium, please share it!

I believe, that the best way to success with aquariums of any kind - freshwater, saltwater or even paludariums - is to understand how an aquatic biotope works. The more natural and stable cycles and processes in an aquarium are the better it will work.

According to me aquascaping is not necessarily a natural way to care for an aquarium. Many processes in an aquascape are monitored and maintained by high doses of fertilizers, co2 and those aquariums don't seem to run very stable. This is because species with very different requirements need to be kept in one tank because it looks beautiful. Even worse is the case with saltwater aquariums. Some are totally technology dependent and very delicate.

My observations in nature show the total opposite. Most systems are very flexible and enduring. They stand extreme occasions depending on seasonal differences or ecological catastrophes. There must be a different way to install and maintain aquariums more natural. That is my approach and I think this could be future trend in aquaristics...

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